
Friday 24 October 2008

What do modern crop circles mean? Part V: some crop pictures have predicted the future

We learned in Part IV that those crop artists can travel across long distances of space ot time, namely 160 light years, to get from their home star in the constellation Hercules to our own little planet Earth. So what else can they do? Might they even be able to see into our local future on Earth, so as to know what will happen next? In Part V of this review, we will try to estimate more accurately what kinds of advanced technology they really possess.

Some of those crop pictures can predict the future: a cometary impact on Jupiter in 1994, or the outburst of a comet near Earth orbit in 1995

Today on Earth we remain largely at the level of electromagnetic technologies, which when carefully manipulated will produce our electrical generating systems, communication systems or computers. That is really a big advance over past civilizations, because the classical Romans or Greeks were limited to mechanical or hydrodynamic technologies, and had to use wooden levers or water pressure for anything they wished to accomplish. We have also acquired since World War II a rather troublesome set of atomic technologies, which were once expected to bring free and clean electrical power to the world, but instead have been used to create highly destructive weapons.

Yet many of our leading physicists on Earth today believe that there exists another more sophisticated set of technologies, that would allow for the manipulation of gravity, space or time. Any extra-terrestrial race who were able to master such technologies would then be able to manufacture gravity-powered spacecraft, wormholes for faster-than-light travel, or time travel devices. They might also develop a deeper understanding of causality: how does event A lead to event B? If we change event A at time t1, will event B still happen at time t2?

In good accord with the extra-terrestrial nature of this crop circle phenomenon, we can sometimes see in those pictures certain strong clues that they can see and/or predict the future, in a way that our best scientists on Earth today cannot. For example they told us at Crabwood in 2002: "Much pain but still time". Might they be able to see somehow, using their advanced technology, that humans on Earth will fall into deep trouble soon, whether political, financial or environmental? But rather than addressing this question first in human terms, let us ask more objectively whether they can predict the future in an astronomical sense, concerning unexpected events in our own solar system?

The first example of such future predictive behaviour appeared back in 1994, when Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 made its spectacular impact on Jupiter from July 16 to 24. It thereby left a series of large black scars on that planet, which could be seen from Earth using a powerful telescope. Sure enough, many large comet-type pictures appeared in the fields of Wiltshire around July 15, 1994 (see or, along with a five-pointed Venus star symbol for Quetzalcoatl at Uffcote (see

slide 42: Wilsford Down 1994, Bishop Cannings 1994 (photo credits to Steve Alexander)

Then on July 23, 1994, one of those comet-type pictures showed an "extra ball" inside of its head or nucleus (below left), which resembled somewhat the newly formed impact site "G" of Comet Shoemaker Levy on Jupiter (see or Next on July 26, 1994, an even more detailed representation of impact site "G" appeared in a field at Oliver's Castle (see below right or

slide 43: East Dean 1994, G site Jupiter, Oliver's Castle 1994 (photo credits to Steve Alexander)

Yet the actual astronomical impact had occurred only one week earlier on July 18! How could any group of human fakers have acted so quickly, to copy accurately in the fields what NASA had just photographed using the Hubble space telescope? There were seven comet-type pictures in all, some showing the symbolic head of a scorpion (see above or, because Comet Shoemaker Levy had occupied the constellation Scorpius only weeks earlier (see or or

One year later in the summer of 1995, a new set of intricate astronomical pictures appeared in Wiltshire fields. Some showed "exploding comets", while others showed many small "cometary fragments" in orbit near Earth (see or

slide 44: Danebury Ring 1995, Bishop Sutton 1995 (photo credits to Lucy Pringle)

Likewise, another five-pointed Venus star symbol for Quetzalcoatl appeared at Watership Down (see What could all of those new pictures mean? No one had any clue at the time, but then three months later on September 20, 1995, Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 outburst or exploded into many small pieces, just as had been shown earlier in crops:

slide 45: outburst of Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3

Furthermore, that comet was very close to an imaginary circular path that defines Earth's orbit about the Sun when it exploded. Planet Earth had meanwhile moved three months ahead in its orbit from mid-June, or 90 degrees further around the Sun, so there was never any danger to humans living here.

How could those crop artists have known, three months before the actual event? A "missing Earth" crop picture at Longwood Warren in the same year (see was likewise not understood at the time, because the event to which it referred had not happened yet. Now in retrospect, we can see that it told us the precise location in space where Comet Schwassmann Wachmann 3 would later explode, or where a symbol for "planet Earth" had been omitted on June 26, three months earlier (see or

The future prediction of Comet Holmes from August 2005 to October 2007 using a Mayan Sun-Venus calendar

The most recent and convincing example of future prediction in crops concerned a sudden and spectacular outburst of Comet 17P Holmes in late October of 2007. It seems to have been predicted in great detail by a whole series of crop pictures from England and/or Germany during the summer of 2005, more than two years earlier. Two good examples are provided below. First, in a highly detailed crop picture from Lane End Down on July 10, 2005, we can see the broad blue halo or coma of Comet Holmes that formed in the first week after it exploded, along with many faint background stars from the constellation Perseus near its site of outburst:(see

slide 46: Lane End Down 2005 (photo credits to Steve Alexander)

Then in another clever crop picture from Garsington on July 15, 2005, we can see a time series of five images which foretold how Comet Holmes would dramatically expand in size from October 24 to 28, 2007, during the first few days of outburst (see

slide 47: Garsington 2005 two parts (photo credits to Lucy Pringle)

That Garsington picture actually changed in appearance, several days after it first formed. Look carefully at the white dashed lines above, on left versus right. The fourth cometary image from the bottom (matching October 27, 2007) was initially drawn as a series of three concentric circles, perhaps to suggest rapid cometary spin? But then several days later, the inner two of those three circles were flattened, to produce a final crop image which matches the sky photograph well.

Three weeks after Lane End Down and Garsington, another spectacular crop picture appeared at Wayland's Smithy on August 9, 2005 (see There our crop artist friends used a Mayan Sun-Venus calendar in binary computer format, to tell us when the newly exploded Comet Holmes would join in Earth's sky to a bright star called Mirfak in the constellation Perseus, two years later. How was such an amazing feat accomplished?

Wayland's Smithy provided us with two series of numbers in base-16, namely 13-10-7-10-13 or 14-5-11-5-14 as described in Part II of this essay. Once we omit the last two digits of each series (that were added to ensure that we could read those numbers reliably in the field), we can translate the remaining three digits 13-10-7 or 14-5-11 into decimal fractions of 0.85327 or 0.89722 by a simple calculation:

(13 / 16) + (10 / 16 x 16) + (7 / 16 x 16 x 16) = 0.85327

(14 / 16) + (5 / 16 x 16) + (11 / 16 x 16 x 16) = 0.89722

Next, since we were told by other symbols in that same crop picture to use a "Mayan Sun-Venus calendar", we can multiply those two decimal fractions by 18,980 days (the length of any Mayan Calendar Round), in order to find two calendar dates that lie either 16,195 or 17,029 days past when that calendar began back on April 10, 1961:

0.85237 x 18,980 = 16,195 days past April 10, 1961

0.89722 x 18,980 = 17,029 days past April 10, 1961

Many crop pictures have suggested that our current Mayan Calendar Round began on April 10, 1961, and will end on March 28, 2013, just after the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on December 21-23, 2012 (see

So if we add 16,195 days to April 10, 1961, we get:

16,195 days + April 10, 1961 = August 9-10, 2005

Yet that was just the day when Wayland's Smithy appeared! Hence their first set of numbers 13-10-7 was simply an internal check on the calculation, to let us know when we got it right. Next when we add 17,029 days to April 10, 1961, we get:

17,029 days + April 10, 1961 = November 20-21, 2007

Hence their second set of numbers 14-5-11 was intended to predict some unknown event, that lies more than two years into the future from August 2005.

Following all the excitement of solving that difficult problem, we still had to wait for another two years and three months, to learn whether anything significant might happen on November 20-21, 2007? Would there be some kind of explosion in deep space, as we had been shown at Lane End Down or Garsington?

Eventually on October 24-25, 2007, Comet Holmes exploded brightly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, in the constellation Perseus as seen from Earth. A few weeks later on the precise date of November 20-21, 2007, a newly exploded Comet Holmes joined closely in Earth's sky to a bright star called Mirfak in Perseus:

slide 48: Mirfak conjunction

Many amateur astronomers from all over the world photographed that historic conjunction, between a distant star and a nearby bright comet. In the diagram above, one can see the detailed path through our sky of Comet Holmes from when it first exploded on October 25, 2007, until it reached the star Mirfak on November 20-21, 2007.

But the story remains incomplete. Did any other crop picture from the summer of 2005 predict the explosion of Comet Holmes on a date of October 24-25, 2007? It turns out that Waden Hill of July 16, 2005 did predict the actual date of explosion, but we did not understand its subtle astronomical symbolism at the time (see or It showed a series of three semi-square symbols from ancient Ptolemaic astronomy, to tell us that three different pairs of bright planets would lie at 45 degrees to one another in Earth's sky on that particular day (see or

The future prediction of Comet Holmes from August 2005 to May 2007 using its closest approach to the Sun or perihelion

So far, so good. Now did any other crop pictures from the summer of 2005 predict Comet Holmes? A lot of them seemed to do so in a simple pictorial fashion, but without much hard evidence. One other very convincing example appeared at Bluebell Hill in Kent on August 10, 2005 (see or It showed the deep space location of Comet Holmes, slightly beyond the orbit of Mars, during its closest recent approach to the Sun or perihelion on May 4, 2007:

slide 49: Bluebell Hill 2005 (photo credits to Ade Rowswell)

Yet back on May 4, 2007, nobody cared about Comet Holmes! Not even the most devoted of comet aficionados were taking pictures of it six months before it exploded, due to its extreme faintness (see Why then would any human team of fakers carve its near-future orbital location at into the crops at Bluebell Hill, two years earlier in August of 2005? On the other hand, if true extra-terrestrials laid down that amazing crop picture, how were they able to predict the future more than two years in advance?

A certain set of crop pictures, especially from the summer of 2006, seem to illustrate a deep knowledge of advanced spacetime technologies that could be used to predict unexpected cometary events, such as those shown in the three cases above from 1994, 1995 or 2007. Thus they have shown us wormholes, ringholes, closed time-like curves, or even the "Roman ring" used for time travel (see or or All of those complex devices are thought by leading physicists to be theoretically possible, although we are nowhere close to making them ourselves on Earth today.
To conclude, the case for future prediction in crops has been made beyond any reasonable doubt. Still, practically all modern academics have chosen to keep their heads in the sand like ostriches. Did academic astronomers from the University of Genoa look through Galileo's small telescope at the newly discovered phases of Venus, or four moons of Jupiter, back in 1609? No, instead they chose not to look. The reason was because what he could see in the night sky, using that new device, did not agree with what they were teaching the schools (see or


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